On September 13th, 2018, the Latin American Alliance of Responsible Nutrition -ALANUR- hosted the seminar “Foods supplements in the Human Nutrition: definition, consumption and benefits” focused to local nutrition professionals and representatives of some of the most important Chilean national universities.
Throughout the event, international scientific experts shared their perspectives on the international regulatory trends of food supplements, consumer information and scientific substantiation, the use of ingredients as well as the conflicts related to the deficiency of micronutrients.
The event received a great interest from the audience, who established the basis of a fruitful debate on many of the topics shared.
The seminar was also the first technical-scientific event organized by ALANUR targeted to the community of nutritionists, health professionals and educators.
Due to the growing interest in the food supplement sector, ALANUR deems essential to spread the latest trends and information to help encourage scientific discussions.